
Praying for the Dead What I mean by “the dead” are those people on Earth who have lived in such a deep pit of darkness for so long that it has become their home.   My question is, How do we pray for those who have lost their ability to know the truth about life?  That there is a sun.  Deep green forests.  Other people who have never lived in the deep.  I am trained to my bones to know that there is only one unforgivable...

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The Echo Of Hate There is something that is left after you have forgiven someone.  And what is left feels like ashes. Soft flakes of what you can pick up after all that emotion has been burnt away. Forgiveness can be very efficient at deleting from your mind and heart and soul that shackle that kept you folding over in pain at the memory of the event. Forgiveness can be the key.  But what is left over when you are free has its own...

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