Posts Tagged "gratitude"

I will presume to speak to you, My Lord, though I am mere dust and ashes. If I imagined myself to be anything more, you would confront me with my sins, which bear witness against me. But if I humble myself and acknowledge my nothingness, if I cast away all self-esteem and reduce myself to dust, then your grace will come to me, and your light will enter my heart. So let the last trace of pride be swallowed up in the depths of my own...

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Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Returning to childhood Giving thanks for everyone in the name of Jesus. It sounds like the lesson God, the Father, gave me as a young child, and one that lasted until I graduated from high school.  If not longer. You see this, Julia, it is all God.  It is all me. It was like being given a chance to work on the largest jigsaw puzzle in...

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How To Make A Gratitude Tree Be grateful for the tiny details of your life and make room for unexpected and beautiful blessings. (Author unknown) In the U.S., Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. We remember the hardships of the Pilgrims during their first year in the New World, and the friendship and generosity of the Native Americans, who were instrumental in the Pilgrims’ survival. November is a...

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O God, I thank thee for all the creatures thou hast made, so perfect in their kind— great animals like the elephant and the rhinoceros, humorous animals like the camel and the monkey, friendly ones like the dog and the cat, working ones like the horse and the ox, timid ones like the squirrel and the rabbit, majestic ones like the lion and the tiger, for birds with their songs. O Lord give us such love for thy creation, and all thy...

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Tonight when I knelt down next to our cat, Zooey, And put my fingers into her clean cat’s mouth, And rubbed her swollen belly that will never know kittens, And watched her wriggle onto her side, pawing the air, And listened to her solemn little squeals of delight, I was thinking about the poet, Christopher Smart, Who wanted to kneel down and pray without ceasing In every one of the splintered London streets, And was locked away...

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