The number one key to spiritual warfare is prayer.
(Jacob Peterson)
(Jacob Peterson)

The Purpose Of Spiritual Warfare
There is a lot of talk about how spiritual warfare is a battle to the death. Something out of Star Wars. It’s you or it’s me. What’s it gonna be? I notice that many men who think they are discussing spiritual warfare talk a lot about sword play. As though the sword is the only weapon used in spiritual warfare. Gotta a problem? Get a sword! In general society where spiritual warfare is discussed it is something between a game and a fantasy. Yes, in real life there are dragons. But they are a type of soul. Not...
read moreThe Hierarchy Of Evil
There are three levels of evil: the absolute form, its minions, and the humans who are aligned with both. Absolute Forms of Evil Absolute forms of evil are beings that have its own unique soul structure. It can be in an unseen form, or a seen form. It can also express itself by sharing its soul structure with its followers. Satan, the devil, and the Antichrist all have its own form. In addition, while all share a common purpose (to obtain soul energy), its approach is its own. Satan has a connected soul. That is, its soul literally...
read moreHow To Discern The Sources Of Inspiration
One of our greatest resistances in healing prayer is trusting the messages we receive. If we are not accustomed to receiving visions then we are especially vulnerable to doubt. One thing we can do to train ourselves to recognize what voice is what, which is not a perfect process, is to do contemplative prayer. Each and every day, sit still for as long as you can. Try to build up to 20 to 30 minutes a day. You can focus on a word, one from scripture or one that inspires you, so that when your thoughts wander back to your sorry attempt to...
read moreThe Categories Of Evil
I wasn’t that old when I was assigned by God to study spiritual warfare. And, very typically, I thought him, well, nuts. Or old (being timeless). Or generally clueless about life on Earth. Evil. Imagine. Why would I be interested in that at all? Life was life. There were no bogey men lurking in my closet. Sure there were people who did terrible things. But this was Earth, after all. Could you blame them? We have to live here. You don’t. That was my usual last word: You don’t live here. You really don’t know what...
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