Silverbrook Retreat Center
Come experience the presence of God in the serenity of our oaks, butterfly garden, cemetery, meditative path, and our historic building. We believe that with offering a beautiful, quiet, peaceful, prayerful space apart we can help people around us to slow down, take a deep breath and develop a relationship with God.
Jesus said: “Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. It will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.” (John 14:4)
Because we love the word of God and have been nurtured in our study of it, because we love God and have been fed and filled with a love that passes all understanding, and because there is no way we can keep all this to ourselves we want to open up our doors to provide quiet time for others who wish to experience God anew and refresh their spirits. Come and join us.
Our Mission Statement
The Retreat Center at Silverbrook United Methodist Church offers quiet days for adults to reflect, be still, and find rest away from the stressful world as they seek to deepen their relationship with God.
Why come on a spiritual retreat? In order to grow in love with God and spend time with God, who loves you very much. It is aside some unhurried time to dive down deep into the word of God. This time apart with other Christians will help you to answer some questions and maybe cause you to ask some more questions but it will definitely help you to know more about God and yourself.