By Chris Hoke Interweaving his own story with moving vignettes and gritty experiences in hidden places, a jail chaplain and minister to Mexican gang and migrant worker communities chronicles his spiritual journey to the margins of society and reveals a subversive God who’s on the loose beyond the walls of the church, pursuing those who are unwanted by the world. Wanted follows a restless young man from the sunny suburbs of his youth...
Read MoreBy Dale S. Recinella As one of the most influential finance lawyers in the country, Dale Recinella was living the American dream. With prestige, power, and unthinkable paychecks at his fingertips, his life was perfect. . . at least on paper. But on the heels of closing a huge deal for the Miami Dolphins, Dale’s life took an unfathomable turn. He heard – and heeded – Jesus’s call to sell everything he owned and follow him....
Read MoreBy Carol A. Brown The Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity author Carol Brown explains what this sensitivity looks like and what it feels like, how this sensitivity effects you, and the common, human reflex reactions to this sensitivity. Finally, a whole book on what we call “Burden Bearing.” Christians are not immune to mood swings, emotional upheavals, feeling burned out and burned up. But you are mysteriously and uniquely...
Read MoreBy Christa & Dirk Lüling Highly sensitive burden bearers are in danger from self-pity, burnout, resentment, lack of self-esteem, and they desperately need to learn when and how to protect themselves from the emotions their nervous systems don’t automatically screen out. An estimated fifth of the earth’s population are people with the gift of extreme empathy – highly sensitive burden bearers, as Christa and Dirk...
Read MoreBy Kenneth Leech In 1977, Kenneth Leech wrote the book, Soul Friend, which quickly became one of the classic contemporary explorations of the Christian practice of spiritual direction. Out of print for many years, a revised edition of this book, mildly updated to include changes in the spiritual climate since 1977, is now available. Leech’s scholarly, yet accessible, exploration examines the climate in which spiritual direction...
Read MoreBy Henri J.M. Nouwen The Wounded Healer is a hope-filled and profoundly simple book that speaks directly to those men and women who want to be of service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways often threatening and ineffective. In this book, Henri Nouwen combines creative case studies of ministry with stories from diverse cultures and religious traditions in preparing a new model for ministry. Weaving keen...
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