By Fulton J. Sheen Sheen brilliantly examines the vast differences between the benefits of psychotherapy and true confession that leads to conversion. While one may help the patient gain some peace of mind, the Christian gains something far greater through the grace of confession: peace of soul. Bishop Sheen asks us to stop blaming our subconscious for our ills and examine instead our conscience; to turn away from the psychoanalyst...
Read MoreBy Seth Benardete The Archaeology of the Soul is a testimony to the extraordinary scope of Seth Benardete’s thought. Some essays concern particular authors or texts; others range more broadly and are thematic. Some deal explicitly with philosophy; others deal with epic, lyric, andtragic poetry. Some of these authors are Greek, some Roman, and still others are contemporaries writing about antiquity. All of these essays, however, are...
Read MoreBy Carla Mae Streeter The seasons of the soul are the seasons of the liturgical calendar. With poetry, prose, imagery, and all the passion of a woman in love, Carla Mae Streeter takes readers through the liturgical seasons and on a spiritual pilgrimage that is filled with the love of an intimate God. Every season becomes an awakening, revealing awe, excitement, and comfort in knowing that our beloved God is our companion and our life...
Read MoreEdited by Mark R. McMinn & Timothy R. Phillips “This volume explores the intersection of psychology and theology, but it is not a simple intersection. It is an intersection affected by rich theological and ecclesiological traditions, by the ravages and wonders of modern psychology, and by the character and qualities of today’s ministers and communities of faith.” (from the introduction) For two millennia...
Read MoreBy Joel B. Green Why A Search for the Soul? Many Christians assume that it is biblically faithful and theologically noncontroversial to speak of humans having a soul. Yet a wide range of biblical scholars are questioning whether we have correctly understood what the Bible means when it speaks of the “soul.” And contemporary neuroscience is laying more and more questions at the doorstep of the church, asking whether our...
Read MoreBy John J. Pilch Reports of prophetic dreams, of journeys into the heavens, and of other alternate states of consciousness abound in the Old and New Testaments and in extrabiblical literature. And although some scholars consider such reports to be simple literary devices, John J. Pilch – a leading expert in social scientific interpretation of the Bible – argues that ancient accounts of alternate consciousness are both plausible and...
Read MoreBy Thomas Moore Moore’s insightful guide takes a look at the movements and desires felt in the human soul. Using Greek mythology and psychology as a lens through which to view human nature he explores such issues as love, jealousy and power. He champions the need for a deep spiritual connection and experience of beauty in order to have a healthy soul life. Moore’s incisive explorations will help you develop a more...
Read MoreBy Cynthia Ruchti Jesus takes our ragged edges and missing pieces and mends us into something both whole and beautiful. For years, society and especially the church required that we hide our brokenness and pretend that all was well, even when it was terribly broken. Now, people have become comfortable with our tattered edges, our character weaknesses, our “old, familiar sins,” and forgotten that God doesn’t intend to leave us in a...
Read MoreBy Marjorie J. Thompson First released in 1995, this spiritual classic continues to be a bestseller, as thousands each year accept Marjorie Thompson’s invitation to the Christian spiritual life. This work has come to be recognized as one of the outstanding guides to the spiritual disciplines. Full of nuts-and-bolts suggestions, moving illustrations, apt quotations, and annotated bibliographies, it can be adapted for personal...
Read MoreBy Ruth Haley Barton Drawing on the imagery of the natural rhythms of the created order, Sacred Rhythms explores the practices that spiritual seekers and growing disciples have used throughout history to grow closer to God. In a similar way, the disciplines of the spiritual life are the basic components of the rhythm of intimacy that feeds the soul, keeping Christians open and available to God’s surprising initiative in their lives....
Read MoreBy David Robert Anderson Losing Your Faith, Finding Your Soul is for those of us who have come to the end of traditional beliefs and wonder if we have reached the end of faith as well. It is for the day when assumptions about God and the religious teachings we trusted in the past no longer apply to life. When your old beliefs die, is it possible to hold onto faith? David Robert Anderson answers this question with a...
Read MoreBy J. P. Moreland In a culture in which science is believed to hold the answers to every question, spiritual realities like the soul are often ignored or ridiculed. We are told that neuroscience holds the key to explaining every aspect of human behavior. Yet Christian philosopher J. P. Moreland argues that Scripture, sound philosophical reasoning, and everyday experience all point to the reality of an immaterial soul. Countering the...
Read MoreBy J. P. Moreland Are you nothing more than a brain? Hasn’t science shown that the faculties of the “soul” are reducible to the purely physical? Philosopher J.P. Moreland shows how science has done no such thing. Rather, there are excellent reasons for believing that we have a soul that can survive the death of the body. He reveals the important implications for the soul’s existence, warning those who deny it...
Read MoreBy Vinita Hampton Wright There is a reason artists tend to feel a sense of the sacred in their work. It’s the same reason those on the path of spiritual formation find that creative exercises lead them into a deeper, more authentic experience with God. Creative work is soul work, and soul work is always creative work. Feeding one while neglecting the other will leave you restless and unsatisfied. Nurturing them both will lead...
Read MoreBy Curt Thompson, MD Do you want to improve your relationships and experience lasting personal change? Join Curt Thompson, MD, on an amazing journey to discover the surprising pathways for transformation hidden inside your own mind. Integrating new findings in neuroscience and attachment with Christian spirituality, Dr. Thompson reveals how it is possible to rewire your mind, altering your brain patterns and literally making you more...
Read MoreBy Leanne Payne Winner of Christianity Today’s Critics’ Choice Award. In this award-winning book, Leanne Payne reveals how to overcome the three great barriers that keep us from becoming whole persons: • The inability to receive God’s forgiveness • The inability to forgive others • The inability to accept ourselves Leanne Payne is founder and president of Pastoral Care Ministries and has been active in the ministry...
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