The following is a Christian service prepared for the preborn infants who will die in abortion chambers on this day. A Prayer for the Preborn Almighty God, look on these your servants, lying in great weakness, and comfort them with the promise of life everlasting, given in the resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Litany at the Time of Death Since the closest relatives to those about to die have abandoned them today,...
Read MoreLord God, thank you for creating human life in your image. Thank you for my life and the lives of those I love. Thank you for teaching us through scripture the value you place on life. Help me to uphold the sanctity of life in my church and community. Give me the strength to stand up to those forces that seek to destroy the lives of those most vulnerable, the unborn, the infirm, and the elderly. Today I commit myself never to be...
Read MoreDAY ONE O most merciful, all gracious and compassionate Lord Jesus Christ our Savior, Son of God: we entreat Thee, most gracious Master: look with compassion upon Thy children who have been condemned to death by the unjust judgment of men. And as Thou hast promised to bestow the Heavenly kingdom on them born of water and the Spirit, and who in blamelessness of life have been translated unto Thee; and Who said, “Suffer the little...
Read MoreDear God, You give life to all things. Help the delegates to (voters on) ______ keep your commandments without stain or reproach as they await the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of him who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, we pray. Amen. (1 Timothy 6:13-15) Father, You called your servant Jesus from the womb. From the body of his mother Mary you named him. You chose him to be...
Read MoreGracious Father, thank you for the mercy you have shown in forgiving my sins and for the peace that comes from being reconciled with you and with your church. O God, you are faithful, and you never abandon those who hope in you. I know that my redemption from sin and death has been purchased at the cost of your Son’s blood. In return for this priceless gift, I resolve today to renew my trust in your unfailing mercy. In times of...
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