Benedict Inn Retreat & Conference Center Beech Grove, Indiana Welcome Benedict Inn Retreat & Conference Center is connected physically and spiritually to Our Lady of Grace Monastery. A ministry of the Sisters of St. Benedict, the Inn welcomes women, men, and children of all ages and faiths to its many, varied and “inn-spiring” programs fostering spiritual and personal growth. For PEACE of Mind, Body & Spirit The Benedict...
Read MoreProvidence Spirituality & Conference Center Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana Providence Center, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence, is located at the heart of beautiful Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, the home of the Sisters of Providence. The official welcoming center for visitors, Providence Center has all the information you’ll need to appreciate the beauty, history and spirituality of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods....
Read MoreSisters of St. Benedict Ferdinand, Indiana Reflect and Relax We are monastic women seeking God through community life, prayer, hospitality, and service to others. Guiding Principles by Which We Live We seek God together in community and share a common mission and vision. Our life together unites and focuses our energies in spreading the Gospel. We desire to be together in the dailiness of life by sharing our common prayer and table,...
Read MoreLindenwood Retreat & Conference Center Donaldson, Indiana Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center, a ministry of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, is located on beautiful Lake Gilbraith in Donaldson, Indiana, which adds to the peaceful and serene atmosphere. Lindenwood offers individuals and groups an environment for faith development, personal growth, team building and artistic endeavors. We do this with a welcoming presence...
Read MoreSaint Meinrad Archabbey St. Meinrad, Indiana Saint Meinrad Archabbey is nestled among cornfields and rolling hills between Louisville, Kentucky, and Evansville, Indiana; it is conveniently located just off Interstate 64 and ideally suited to prayer and reflection. Enjoy Benedictine hospitality in a contemplative atmosphere with comfortable guestrooms providing a special time and place to be alone with God. You are welcome to attend...
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