Posts Tagged "Joyce Rupp"

The presider wraps a colorful, thick ribbon around the couples’ joined hands. (Names of the two being married) N. and N., today you enter a journey of life together, a life that finds its source in divine love, enfleshed in your love for one another.  Just as ranchers and farmers use a rope to help them find their way in a blinding snowstorm, you will sometimes need to have a strong ribbon of love to help you find your way back home...

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May you desire to be healed. May what is wounded in your life be restored to good health. May you be receptive to the ways in which healing needs to happen. May you take good care of yourself. May you extend compassion to all that hurts within your body, mind, and spirit. May you be patient with the time it takes to heal. May you be aware of the wonders of your body, mind, and spirit and their ability in returning you to good health....

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I cry out to you to hear me, to stretch your arms of compassion to me and to embrace me with your comfort.  My being needs to be filled with your spiritual energy.  I am weary with the struggle to feel well and to be in good health.  It is so easy to slide into depression and self-pity, to be impatient and despondent.  God of the living, hear me.  Fill my empty places with hope.  Fill my life with a sense of joy in spite of this...

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