Posts Tagged "R"

By Christopher D. Ringwald Millions of alcoholics and addicts recover through spirituality. In The Soul of Recovery: Uncovering the Spiritual Dimension in the Treatment of Addictions, author and journalist Christopher D. Ringwald tells how and why they seek and achieve these transformations. Ranging as far back as the Washingtonian Total Abstinence Society in 1840, Ringwald illuminates the use of spirituality within a wide range of...

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By Cynthia Ruchti   Jesus takes our ragged edges and missing pieces and mends us into something both whole and beautiful. For years, society and especially the church required that we hide our brokenness and pretend that all was well, even when it was terribly broken. Now, people have become comfortable with our tattered edges, our character weaknesses, our “old, familiar sins,” and forgotten that God doesn’t intend to leave us in a...

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By Martha Grace Reese Next in the Unbinding the Gospel Series. With 40-day personal prayer journal. For small groups ready to invite… Unbinding Your Soul is the “unbinding” model for actual, invitational evangelism. Typical mainline churches get ready for the Unbinding Your Soul small group study with Unbinding the Gospel/Unbinding Your Heart “pre-evangelism.” Unbinding Your Soul helps them invite...

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By Tri Robinson The Creator has called us to care for life, His creation. Unfortunately, many evangelical Christians have decided that value has too much political baggage attached to it and have forsaken caring for God’s creation. In this book, pastor and author Tri Robinson clearly shows the biblical mandate for environmental stewardship – and how doing so will change the world around us. (Product description) Available at The...

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By Larry L. Rasmussen Grand Winner of the 2014 Nautilus Book Awards. Thoughtful observers agree that the planetary crisis we now face-climate change; species extinction; the destruction of entire ecosystems; the urgent need for a more just economic-political order-is pushing human civilization to a radical turning point: change or perish. But precisely how to change remains an open question. In Earth-Honoring Faith, Larry Rasmussen...

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