Posts Tagged "reflection"

Praying for the Dead What I mean by “the dead” are those people on Earth who have lived in such a deep pit of darkness for so long that it has become their home.   My question is, How do we pray for those who have lost their ability to know the truth about life?  That there is a sun.  Deep green forests.  Other people who have never lived in the deep.  I am trained to my bones to know that there is only one unforgivable...

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There is something magical about being somewhere for a period of time.  A long enough period of time to be able to know things about where you are. I once had a job in my biology teacher’s lab.  I measured seaweed.  A certain kind of seaweed. He was studying the effect on its growth by the warm waters being evacuated from the nuclear power plant on the coast. And as the summer drew along, with only the company of the classical...

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I don’t know why such a simple thing like feeding the birds should make me feel so out-of-step with the rest of the world. It’s something I often feel. But bird feeding? It’s that our world has become obsessed with being special, I think. Special houses. Special cars. Special jobs. Special children. Nothing ordinary is tolerated any more.  Everyone has a specialty.  Or is supposed to. Everyone excels. It’s no...

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It has been many years that I have lived here. I came to live here in a most round-about way, and in spite of desperately wanting to leave for most of those years, here is where I have lived. Children have grown up.  Left.  Come back.  Left again. Usually leaving a cat or two.  Once even three. I live on the ground floor.  Except for the laundry room, the entire floor is mine alone. I read here. I eat here. I sleep here. I write here....

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The Mystery of Nothing In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. Creation.  The next concept after time is creation.  We are here at the beginning, and now creation begins. We tend to associate the concept of creation with the physical realm.  We create things. The first few verses of the Bible make it clear that these words describe that what was being created was the physical world. Before this point in time (and we can...

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