Posts Tagged "refugees"

Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we come before you as many parts of a single body. people drawn from every tribe, every nation, every language; some indigenous—peoples of the land; some refugees, immigrants, pilgrims—people on the move; some hosts, some guests, some both hosts and guests; all of us searching for an eternal place where we can belong. Creator, forgive us. The earth is yours and everything that is in it. But we...

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God of mercy, help me to remember: My ancestors came across the seas! Help me keep in my mind Those who came long ago And those who now come to our shores. As I face you in prayer, God of Compassion, I remember my country’s words: Send them back or Stop the boats. Then I fear, not your anger But the steady gaze of boundless love and unlimited compassion That impel me to hear Jesus’s command: Love one another, as I have loved you. Or...

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