By Suzanne G. Farnham, Joseph P. Gill, R. Taylor McLean, & Susan M. Ward Do you ever feel as though your life has become a broken record? You’re hearing the same song play over and over again? Nearly every human being on earth has likely spent some time on the carousel of pain. Whether you’re dealing with the guilt and regret of your own sinful choices, or you’re sitting in the shame of someone else’s...
Read MoreBy David W. Wiersbe Hope for the brokenhearted. We all expect our parents to precede us in death. No one expects to have to make their child’s funeral arrangements. And the loss of a child brings with it a special and persistent manifestation of grief that can feel “like a stomachache that never ends.” Gone but Not Lost is a thoughtful gift for a family that has experienced the death of a child. Each of its brief...
Read MoreBy Kerry Walters “Dying is the most general human event, something we all have to do. But do we do it well? Is our own death more than an unavoidable fate that we simply wish would not be? Can it somehow become an act of fulfillment, perhaps more human than any other human act?”—Henri Nouwen All of us face the prospect of death – if not this day, then one day. But most of us would rather defer that thought indefinitely....
Read MoreBy James L. Garlow & Keith Wall Do you believe miracles still happen? Definitely, you say, because you or a loved one has experienced a miracle – your sister survived a car accident that should have resulted in death. You received a check for the exact amount needed to cover this month’s overdue electric bill, when your bank account was empty. Or maybe you say, I’m not sure. You’ve heard stories, but you’re...
Read MoreBy Elaine Wainwright Women Healing/ Healing Women begins with a search for women who were healers in the Graeco-Roman world of the late Hellenistic and early Roman period. Women healers were honoured in inscriptions and named by medical writers, and were familiar enough to be stereotyped in plays and other writings. What emerges by the first century of the Common Era is a world in which women functioned as healers but where healing...
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