Unrelenting Prayer

unrelenting prayerBy Bob Sorge

Grow in the kind of faith that never stops contending for breakthrough.

When Jesus gave us the prayer, “Get justice for me from my adversary,” (Luke 18:3), He equipped us with the most powerful prayer possible.

Explore Jesus’s parable of the persistent widow and discover answers to some of the most perplexing questions about prayer:

• Why is the cry for justice so empowering and strategic?
• Can I know that it’s God’s will to answer my prayer?
• How do I handle the temptation to stop asking?
• Why does God sometimes wait so long to answer?
• How does the wait actually qualify me for greater exploits?
• Why is the Holy Spirit emphasizing 24/7 intercessory
worship now, at the end of the age?

(Product description)

Available at Christian Book

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