A Novena For The Earth

As we are called to see ourselves and each other as earthen vessels that hold God’s presence and bring God’s gifts to the world, so too, this very world and all that is above, around, and within it are earthen vessels — just as easily shattered, just as much in need of our loving attentiveness and support.

May our hands align with God’s in caressing and shaping these.  Together we proclaim:  We, and all creation are God’s earthen vessels.  Help us, O Lord, to live and act in harmony and interdependence with all creation.

Let us pray for trees, plants, crops, and forests.  The seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirty fold.  Creator God, we thank you for your gifts of trees, plants, crops, and forests.  We repent the abuse we have given to these your creations.  And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

Let us pray for water, oceans, rivers, streams, and ponds.  Wherever the river flows, every sort of living creature that can multiply will live, and there will be abundant fish, for wherever this water comes, the sea will be made fresh.  Everything will live wherever the river flows.  Creator God, we thank you for your gifts of water, oceans, rivers, streams, and ponds.  We repent the abuse we have given to these your creations. And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

Let us pray for air, wind, climate, and weather.  When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together.  And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were.  And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.  Creator God, we thank you for your gifts of air, wind, climate, and weather.  We repent the abuse we have given to these your creations.  And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

Let us pray for the sun, clean energy, and prevention of global warning.  O radiant dawn, shine forth in glory.  Christ has burst forth from the tomb.  Give praise, O peoples of the Earth.  Death is overcome, God triumphs. Alleluia!   Creator God, we thank you for your gift of the sun.  We repent the abuse we have given to this your creation.  And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

Let us pray for animals, especially endangered species.  Praise the Lord from the Earth, you sea creatures, you wild beasts and all tame animals, you creeping things and you winged fowl.  Praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted. His majesty is above Earth and Heaven.  Creator God, we thank you for your gift of all the varied species of animals. We repent the abuse we have given to these your creations.  And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

Let us pray for humankind.  I will make you a new heart, breathe new spirit into you. I will remove your heart of stone, give you back a heart of flesh. I will give you my own spirit to lead you in my ways, faithful to what I command.  Creator God, we thank you for your gift of life.  May we always remember our roles as stewards of your creation and sisters and brothers to each other.  We repent the sins we have committed against all of your creations. And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

Let us pray for recycling and moderate personal consumption.  Jesus said to them, “There is no reason for them to go away.  Give them some food yourselves.”  Taking five loaves and two fishes, and looking up to Heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who, in turn, gave them to the crowds.  They all ate and were satisfied.  Creator God, we thank you for the abundance of resources with which we are blessed.  We repent the abuse and overuse of these gifts.  And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth. O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

Let us pray for the proper use of chemicals and disposal of toxic waste.  The wrath of God is indeed being revealed from Heaven against every impiety and wickedness.  Creator God, we thank you for your gift of chemicals which improve our lives.  We repent our abuse of them and our improper disposal of toxic waste that pollutes our Earth and your creations.  We now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

Let us pray for the Earth and unity.  Let us seek to know the Lord, whose coming is sure as dawn, who descends like the rain, spring rain renewing the Earth.  Creator God, we thank you for creating such a wondrous and magnificent home for us. We repent all our sins against creation. We now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  O, my merciful savior, you know my weakness.  Vouchsafe to assist me with your powerful grace.

God has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?  Creator God, we thank you for all of creation. We ask your forgiveness where we have failed to be just stewards.  And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the Earth.  May we learn to live in harmony, safety, and just sharing of resources among all so that we achieve the kingdom of God.  We should be as shining lamps, giving light to all around us.

Peace be to our community.  Peace be to our land.  Peace be to our people.


(Author Unknown)

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