Authors: H

  • The Art of Christian Listening

    the art of christian listeningBy Thomas Hart

    A book grounded in the Bible, contemporary spiritual theology and the insights of modern psychology, written as a guide for anyone who is required to assist others in human growth.

    Christians often find themselves in the role of listening to the ...

  • Naming the Silences

    naming the silencesBy Stanley Hauerwas

    Why does a good and all-powerful God allow us to experience such pain and suffering? This question, so often asked, has been approached in a variety of ways. In this illuminating and powerful book, Hauerwas explores why we seek explanations for suffering and ...

  • Secret Affairs of the Soul: Ordinary People’s Extraordinary Experiences of the Sacred

    By Paul Hawker

    Statistics show that over 80% of North Americans have experienced an encounter with an undeniably strong spiritual force. So why do we hear so little about these “soul affairs” –profound moments of love, dramatic insight, happiness, or rapture? Paul Hawker weaves religious experiences of mystics and ...

  • The Subjective Eye: Essays in Culture, Religion, and Gender in Honor of Margaret R. Miles

    The subjective eyeBy Richard Valantasis (Ed.), Deborah Haynes & James Smith  

    One of the great joys of the academic life is to pay homage in a Festschrift to a scholar who has influenced both colleagues and students over years of interaction and friendship both professional and personal.

    This ...

  • Be Filled Now

    Be filled nowBy Roy Hession

    “Be filled – now” is more than the title of this small book. It actually summarizes in three words the heart of the message of grace to which these chapters lead.

    It is not, be filled tomorrow, when we hope we shall have ...

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