Receive this holy fire. Make your lives like this fire. A holy life that is seen. A life of God that is seen. A life that has no end. A life that darkness does not overcome. May this light of God in you grow. Light a fire that is worthy of your heads. Light a fire that is worthy of your children. Light a fire that is worthy of your fathers. Light a fire that is worthy of your mothers. Light a fire that is worthy of God. Now go in...
Read MoreLord, I was a pile of ash, And you made me a light for the world I was a stone And you made me salt for the earth I was as lifeless as clay And you made me part of the Body of Christ I was sinful And you made me holy I was nothing And you made me part of everything Lord, in you I am transformed And transformed still again When the discouraged cry for hope, make me hope When the hungry cry for bread, make me bread When the thirsty cry...
Read MoreGod of all people, We pray for our brothers and sisters who are alone, who are forgotten today. . . the homeless man begging on the corner the abused woman and child the prisoner struggling to offer forgiveness the woman trafficked across the border and now forced to sell her body the lonely one suffering from addiction the migrant longing for home and family the couple consumed by work and material wealth, having lost the love and...
Read MoreI did not know you, But I was yours. And they do not know me And I do not know them But they are mine And I am theirs. Let no chasm, no river, no drought or storm, No war, no exodus, no border, natural or constructed, No device of man nor devil Come between us Or halt the love that burns within me, The grace that flows from you. Let me think on no man lest I think joyful thoughts of brotherhood, Let me think on no woman lest I think...
Read MoreLord Jesus, In images of farming and rural life you announced your Gospel to the poor. We pray for rural men and women, especially for those who work hard in the fields. Give us the strength of your Spirit to be witnesses and collaborators of the creative providence. May we always sow in ourselves and in our families the holiness and hope of Christian life, with the same zeal with which we cultivate our land. Bless the daily efforts...
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