Intercessions For Those Involved In Abortion

For those who are tempted by abortion,

that God may plant in their hearts a love for the treasure of life and the strength to protect it; we pray to the Lord.

For all doctors, that inspired by their oath to protect life, they may know the grace of repentance, serving others as true disciples of the Gospel of Life; we pray to the Lord.

For all nurses, that inspired by the gentle compassion of Mary, the mother of God, they might serve as guardians of life in every moment of its existence; we pray to the Lord.

For all hospital administrators, that with wisdom and respect for life, they might lead those who work with them, for the nurturing and protection of all life; we pray to the Lord.

For parents who have lost a child to abortion and whose hearts are closed to the mercy of God, that they might know the grace of repentance, confession, and the healing embrace of the Father; we pray to the Lord.

For parents overwhelmed by grief and remorse at the loss of their child to abortion, that Jesus, the shepherd, so rich in mercy and compassion, might heal their broken hearts; we pray to the Lord.

For all who counsel the parents of aborted children, that God might reward them for the crosses they bear and grant them the words of wisdom to lead lost souls home to him; we pray to the Lord.

For each child aborted from his mother’s womb, that from their place in Heaven they might intercede for their mothers and fathers, for peace and healing and the gift of true repentance; we pray to the Lord.

Thus says the Lord:

In Ramah is heard the sound of moaning, of bitter weeping!

Rachel mourns her children,

She refuses to be consoled because her children are no more.

Thus says the Lord:

Cease your cries of mourning, wipe the tears form your eyes.

The sorrow you have shown shall have its reward.

There is hope for your future.


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