By Kevin Basconi Heaven is real! Christ has already prepared a place for you to dwell with Him in Heaven. Your heavenly home awaits you! Angels in the Realms of Heaven: Real Life Heavenly and Angelic Encounters is the third book in the exciting, real-life, supernatural series Dancing With Angels! If you are intrigued by what Heaven looks like and what God’s angels are doing today — you will love this book. Heaven and angels are...
Read MoreBy Jackie Macgirvin Pastor Paul is a young seminary graduate called as interim pastor to a small rural church. He is full of zeal, but mostly for self-promotion. He sincerely loves the Lord but his past emotional wounds leave him vulnerable and in need of attention and affirmation. He constantly frustrates his angel, Saldu, who tries to steer him toward a more humble attitude. Sarah Edwards is a new church member, a recent widow...
Read MoreBy Marie Chapian Angels in Our Lives examines the presence of angels in the world and their work in our personal lives today. Chapian addresses questions such as: Are angels actually helping and guiding you in your personal life? Are angels assigned by God to help you fulfill your destiny in this life? How does worship and praising the Lord draw angelic presence in our midst? You’ll also find foundational biblical teaching as...
Read MoreBy Mike Aquilina “Angels are a large part of reality and, as with other large parts of reality — speeding Mack trucks, for example, or looming brick walls — we benefit greatly from their service, and we ignore them at our peril.”—From the Introduction Angels are everywhere — as a matter of fact, right at your side. Forget the sweet-faced cherubs of popular culture, however, and brace yourself for a far more potent reality: powerful...
Read MoreBy Billy Graham Yes, angels are real. They are not the product of your imagination. “If we had open spiritual eyes we would see not only a world filled with evil spirits and powers—but also powerful angels with drawn swords, set for our defense.”—Billy Graham Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic records the...
Read MoreBy Lester Sumrall Angels not only played an important role in biblical history, but they continue to intervene in people’s lives today. Lester Sumrall offers scriptural answers to many often-asked questions about angels, such as, “How can I personally be aided by angels?” and “How did angels help Jesus during His time on earth?” You might not realize it, but your life is strongly influenced by angels....
Read MoreBy Terry Law Christians and non-Christians alike are encountering angelic beings more than ever, but what does Scripture say about the appearance of angels? In this revision of his eye-opening book, Terry Law presents fascinating biblical truths about both God’s angels and evil angels, while exposing false and dangerous teachings that use New Age techniques to contact these powerful beings. Exploring many real-life stories of...
Read MoreBy Dennis & Nolene Prince Just over 150 years ago, in Berlin, New York, twenty-five-year-old Marietta Davis suddenly fell into an unconscious state from which neither family nor physician could arouse her. When she finally regained consciousness, she described with almost supernatural perception how angels had escorted her spirit to heaven and hell. Her vision made her the talk of her community and a legend for generations to...
Read MoreBy Perry Stone Discover how a little-known biblical promise can protect you and your family. Exploring the Mizpah covenant, Stone shows how it has the power to release angels to help you. Learn the steps to engaging in a covenant relationship with God, types of assignments given to heavenly guardians, five things that can offend angels, and more. (Publisher’s description) Available at Christian...
Read MoreBy Ron Phillips Are you curious about angels? What they do? Where they go? How they minister? Opening your eyes to a wondrous world behind the scenes of daily life, Phillips shows how God’s heavenly servants protect us, stand with us against a common enemy, share the same allegiances, operate covertly in the enemy’s territory, and more. (Publisher’s description) Available at Christian...
Read MoreBy Charisma House Do angels really exist? Do they interact with us? What is their purpose? How are they given assignments? Are they here protecting us right now? A compilation of material from our best-selling books on the subject, Everyone’s Guide to Angels answers these questions and more. Full of biblical insight, amazing encounters, and faith-building stories, it presents the case for the existence of angels, explores their...
Read MoreBy Scott W. Stuart Angels Are For Real is the true and inspiring story of an eight-year-old boy’s encounter with Angels while enduring a rigorous two year battle with Leukemia. Gabriel William Stuart visualized, spoke with, and shared emotional moments of reassurance, strength, and comfort with Angels. His Angels were sent from Heaven according to God’s purpose. They delivered a gift of peace to Gabriel, his family, and to...
Read MoreBy Jack Graham Leading Baptist Pastor Teaches the Truth about Angels Popular myths about angels are all around us. Do people become angels when they die? Are they always hovering nearby, on guard to protect us from danger? Can we talk to them? Many of our ideas about angels come from TV and movies, both of which are more interested in ratings and ticket sales than in truth. As Christians it’s important to understand what...
Read MoreBy David Albert Jones The Book of Genesis depicts them as doing strange things–mating with the daughters of men to spawn giants, for example, and wrestling with Jacob for no apparent reason. In It’s a Wonderful Life, Frank Capra spun a tale of one as a bumbling helper of humans; in Wings of Desire, Wim Wenders told of one who wished to be human. They are angels, of course, and they have fascinated us since recorded history...
Read MoreBy Judith MacNutt Do angels really exist in our world or are they mythological? Recounting real-life stories and miraculous interactions with these heavenly beings, MacNutt reveals what the Bible says about angels’ appearance, their mission, the heavenly hierarchy, their importance in believers’ lives, and more. A comprehensive, encouraging guide to the vital role angels play in God’s kingdom! (Publisher’s...
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