By Jen Ferguson & Craig Ferguson In this candid account, Craig and Jen Ferguson share their personal story of the shame, anger, and hopelessness associated with Craig’s porn addiction. It threatened to destroy their marriage until they discovered how drawing close to Christ could lead them out of the pit of sinful habits, unhealthy responses, and personal despair toward true recovery. Marked by biblical and practical...
Read MoreBy Craig Gross & Steven Luff You Can Be Sexually Pure. When it comes to sex and sexuality, men often find themselves in a losing battle against temptation. Whether it’s overt pornography or simply oversexualized images of women, media can be a man’s worst enemy. This straightforward book helps men understand and embrace the true purpose and role of sex in their lives. Whether single or married, all men must cope with...
Read MoreBy Laurie Morris Never shared publicly before, Laurie’s testimony is one of healing and hope for those ravaged by betrayal of a sexual nature. Her struggles together with her husband – and after his early death – alone have paved a road of healing from such impossible wounds as Dissociative Identity Disorder and homosexuality. Her husband granted her his deathbed permission to reveal matters not easily broached in church...
Read MoreBy David Kyle Foster This completely revised version was written for those who need and want freedom from sexual sin and healing of sexual brokenness, as well as for those who counsel them. This straightforward account of one man’s journey toward sexual wholeness and freedom, provides a real-life testimonial to what really works in seeking God’s “tailor-made plan for your individual healing.” Filled with...
Read MoreBy Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. This resource identifies the stages and progression of sex addiction, including assessment, intervention, and treatment methods. It also covers family structure, bonding, boundaries, and recovery topics. (Publisher’s description) Available at Christian...
Read MoreBy Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. Sex is at the core of our identities. And when it becomes a compulsion, it can unravel our lives. Out of the Shadows is the premier work on this disorder, written by a pioneer in its treatment. Revised and updated to include the latest research – and to address the exploding phenomenon of cybersex addiction – this third edition identifies the danger signs, explains the dynamics, and describes the consequences...
Read MoreBy Anne Paulk Restoring Sexual Identity offers answers to the most commonly asked questions from both homosexuals desiring change and friends and relatives of women struggling with same-sex attraction. With precious few Christian resources available to help women dealing with unwanted homosexual feelings, Anne Paulk’s new book breathes life into a dry desert. Anne Paulk began her journey out of homosexuality when she accepted the Lord...
Read MoreBy Bob Sorge This book sounds a bold call to the highest consecration in our sexuality. Get ready for a unique book that is apprehending, prudent, and empowering. Based on Bob’s own experience with Job 31:1, this book extends an invitation to actually make a covenant vow before God with our eyes. Written for all ages, men and women alike, this book excavates from the ancient spirituality of the book of Job the master key to...
Read MoreBy Donna Freitas An enlightening look at today’s hook-up culture and its effects on college students’ religious beliefs. Based on interviews from young adults attending public, private, Catholic, and evangelical schools, Freitas’s study reveals that most students see little connection between their sexual and spiritual lives. Disturbing yet hopeful, it’s sure to spark conversation about a sensitive topic....
Read MoreBy Dr. Arnold R. Fleagle & Dr. Donald A. Lichi The “Broken Windows Theory” suggests that a community can reduce crime and maintain social order when small problems are fixed promptly. Alternatively, minor vandalism (such as broken windows) left unrepaired, sends the message that no one cares-inviting more serious crimes. Fleagle and Lichi have applied this theory to the problem of sexual temptation and moral failure....
Read MoreBy Fred & Brenda Stoeker, and Mike Yorkey Wholeness and Healing for Women Caught in the Crossfire. As the wife of a man who is addicted to lust, pornography, or masturbation, you are not alone. Millions of men can’t get through the day or the week without clicking on to their favorite Internet porn sites, thumbing through adult magazines, or watching sensual videos–and millions of wives suffer as a result. Over the past decade,...
Read MoreBy Cecil Murphey & Gary Roe Survivors of sexual abuse face a long road to recovery. With every bump and bruise and setback, they may wonder if total healing is even possible. In fact, the feeling that “I should be healed by now” is one that every survivor will have to deal with at some time. A survivor himself, Cecil Murphey writes, “I absolutely affirm that God can produce such a miracle. I don’t know of any, but I still think...
Read MoreBy Carl Hampsch Husbands and wives can learn to appreciate and actually enjoy the differences that make them unique, with Jesus Christ as the foundation of their marriage. Can two people who are different in many ways have a successful and lasting relationship? Yes! Husbands and wives can learn to appreciate and actually enjoy the differences that make them unique, with Jesus Christ as the foundation of their marriage. Author Carl...
Read MoreBy Paula Sanford Sexual abuse victimizes everyone – the abused, families, loved ones, and even the abuser. This book offers love, acceptance and healing to those traumatized by sexual abuse, leading them to new paths of hope, healing and wholeness. Very few authors have ventured into the territory of sexual abuse. Paula Sandford charges into the field with the fierce force of a mother who will not tolerate her children walking...
Read MoreBy Francis MacNutt Over the years, Francis MacNutt, founding director of Christian Healing Ministries has seen phenomenal results in the area of healing for homosexuals. Through prayer, those same-sex desires can be changed…healed. Gays or lesbians actually become heterosexual. Here Dr. MacNutt shares real-life examples, compassionate understanding of the issues and practical advice for anyone seeking freedom from...
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