By C. Mark Corts All sensationalism aside, what is the biblical truth about spiritual warfare? Conservative pastor Mark Corts understands the cosmic battle between God and Satan is very real, spilling onto the earth every day and causing difficult moments in every Christian’s life. But perception is crucial in the matter. While many see spiritual warfare as a personal attack upon themselves, Corts shows how Satan’s attacks are always...
Read MoreBy Dr. Elsie Clark This spiritual warfare book is a wonderful resource for those who are serious about their walk of victory. Apostle Dorothy Matthews, N.C. Apostles, Bishops and Pastors, ascribes the title, “God’s General” to Dr. Elsie Clark because of her numerous books and spiritual warfare teachings across the years. She explains spiritual warfare strategically so you will gain absolute victory. This book will...
Read MoreEdited by Christopher Cook Spirituality, Theology & Mental Health provides reflections from leading international scholars and practitioners in theology, anthropology, philosophy and psychiatry as to the nature of spirituality and its relevance to constructions of mental disorder and mental healthcare. Key issues are explored in depth, including the nature of spirituality and recent debates concerning its importance in...
Read MoreEdited by Ernst M. Conradie, Sigurd Bergmann, Celia Deane-Drummond, & Denis Edwards Christianity has often been accused for being complicit in ecological destruction. In response, Christian ecotheology offers both a Christian critique of environmental destruction and an ecological critique of Christianity. It thus encourages an ecological reformation of the Christian tradition for the sake of the whole earth. This volume focuses...
Read MoreBy Randall Corelli A man’s life is no more than a compilation of the accumulated choices he has made since birth. This fundamental law and truth in life is so basic and inexorably true that it’s all but lost on the vast majority, save for the most grounded and wise men. There can be no other law so powerful and unyielding as this anchor of human existence: Choosing God is the master choice affecting all other choices, an absolute...
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