Posts Tagged "healing"

From Mount Hor they set out by the way to the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; but the people became impatient on the way. The people spoke against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we detest this miserable food.” Then the Lord sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many Israelites died....

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Do you believe that healing can just happen like it does in the Bible when Jesus touches someone and his brokenness has been made whole? Well, do you? Or does it feel like a nice dream to think about, and perhaps nod about now and then when it’s mentioned? And, yet, healing happens every second of the day.  In your house.  At your job.  Even at your church. Watching your child’s sore stop bleeding, scab over, and...

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Father, You have the power to transform my mind, and I receive your healing power today.  I take your Word as the absolute Truth.  You are counseling me now and looking directly into my eyes.  My eyes of faith see and receive the love that your eyes are communicating. I hear you whisper, You, my dearest child, are the apple of my eye.  You put that sparkle there, and you are my delight.  You have wandered off in fear, but my gaze has...

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Lord Jesus, you are the master of life and death. Everything I have is yours, and I love you very deeply. Just one touch from you restores the sick, heals the broken, and transforms the darkness. Only you can do this. Only you. So I ask that you would be with (name/s) right now: May he sense your presence. May she feel your power. May he know your love. May they body be overwhelmed; With light and truth; With healing and wellness....

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(by A. F. Learmont) OSL stands for The Order of Saint Luke. When healing is mentioned, the first thought is usually the physical state of the body, a particular ailment or affliction; thus concentration of thought is purely on the physical. Man, however, is not wholly a physical being. Basically, he is a spiritual being. He has been created in the likeness and image of God, and God is a Spirit. God formed man out of a living soul....

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