A Novena To Mary For Forgiveness

A novena is a nine-day period of private or public prayer to obtain special graces, to implore special favors, or to make special petitions.  Novena is derived from the Latin, “novem,” meaning nine.  As the definition suggests, the novena has always had more of a sense of urgency and neediness.

Heavenly Father,

in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I ask for the willingness to forgive and the grace to forgive immediately all who have sinned against me. On Calvary, you gave Mary the grace to forgive me for my part in killing her son.  Then you gave Mary the grace to become my mother.

Mary, mother of forgiveness, may I forgive others as you forgave me in imitation of your son.  Mary, take my hand and lead me as I decide to accept God’s grace to forgive (state name of person to be forgiven) for (state cause).

Jesus, thank you for giving me Mary, mother of forgiveness, to be my mother.  Right now, through the intercession of Mary, mother of forgiveness, I decide that I will accept God’s grace to forgive all who have sinned against me in any way.  I make the following statement:

By God’s grace, I decide to accept God’s grace to forgive (state name of person to be forgiven) for (state cause).

Thank you, Jesus, forever, for the miracle of forgiveness.


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