Healing Prayer Lessons

All healing is a form of spiritual warfare.  What this means is that the healing minister is one who steps in between the individual and the evil that is trying to overwhelm him. Which is not to say that a person is showing his “guilt” when he is sick or disabled in other ways.   It is clear that when Jesus and his followers healed those who presented themselves to them that the illness that was being addressed was...

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A few years ago, I began another course of chemotherapy.  It began in mid-August.  It wasn’t until the following mid-May that I could get up in the morning and stay conscious all day.   It left me very weak.  I could be active for a day, but then have to rest the next two or three days before I could be active again. After a few months of this semi-disabled state, I decided, as I have before in my life, to take my own healing...

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I realize that I am the only person in the world to want to find myself a very sturdy soapbox, step up on it, and proclaim my belief that the church is lopsided.  And that this is a very serious matter. In my opinion, that is. Here’s my metaphor for the church (that I’ve probably shared before): The church is like a tree with two branches.  The trunk is God, the Father.  And the branches are Jesus Christ and the Holy...

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You are not alone when you sit down with someone to pray for him. Not by a long shot. You have a vast multitude of spirits behind you. Literally. Which is not to say that you do not have provide certain very real things when you enter a Christian healing prayer session. There is willingness, openness, patience, stillness, and, most of all, love. These are all on you. It is your responsibility to listen to what is being said, and to...

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Miracles can happen during healing prayer.  Healing is not necessarily a product of a miracle, but it can be.   A miracle is a very specific phenomenon in the realm of God.  The first thing to know are the elements of prayer. They are: God the pray-er time We will work with the mechanics of prayer in another post.  But, for now, let’s say that a person is praying in a functional way.  This means that God hears the prayer and...

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There is something most important to keep in your heart and mind when you are working with someone: God loves us when we are in body just as much as when we are not in body. To God, it doesn’t matter if we are alive or dead. Either way, we are with him. And he is with us. God put us here on Earth for a reason.  One day we may all figure out exactly what that reason is.  But, until then, we are here.  When the time comes, we die....

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Listening is a critical skill that needs to be learned over time, and with much practice. You must learn to listen to the person you are serving.  This means that you have to learn to still your mind, and control yourself from entering into a conversation with the pray-ee as though this were a counseling session. It’s not. It’s a session of listening. So the pray-ee first.  Then you must learn to listen to your own...

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Do you believe that healing can just happen like it does in the Bible when Jesus touches someone and his brokenness has been made whole? Well, do you? Or does it feel like a nice dream to think about, and perhaps nod about now and then when it’s mentioned? And, yet, healing happens every second of the day.  In your house.  At your job.  Even at your church. Watching your child’s sore stop bleeding, scab over, and...

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There are a few fundamentals about Christian healing prayer that have to be both established and accepted as fact.  Otherwise, healing prayer becomes something like a fairy tale or wishful thinking. So I guess this is the first fact: Christian healing prayer is real.  It is, itself, a fact. But how can this be?  Really.  We live on Earth.  We get up in the morning.  Our stomachs ache.  That’s just life. Isn’t it? Well,...

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