
*: multiple parishes

BenningtonBrattleboroFair HavenMontpelierRutland*St. Alban's

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
200 Pleasant Street
Bennington, Vermont 05201

802 442-2911



8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I (High Altar; Said)

10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Nave Altar; Choral)

Healing Service follows each Sunday Eucharist


St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
16 Bradley Avenue
Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
802 254-6048

St. Michael’s Ministry of Healing 

Jesus’s ministry on Earth was very much a ministry of healing. As followers of Christ, we believe that we are called to continue this ministry of healing in Jesus’ name. Our Ministers of Sacramental Healing, both lay and clergy, have discerned a call to this ministry and have received extensive training. This healing takes many forms – physical, spiritual and emotional – and is a profoundly important part of St. Michael’s ministry.

Healing prayers are offered at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church every Sunday at both services during or immediately after the Eucharist. People who desire to receive a prayer of healing for themselves or on behalf of someone else may speak with one of the healing ministers about their request. In the sacred space created in this confidential encounter, the healing minister will ask what you bring as a prayer request, and then will place his or her hands on you and pray with you.

Healing ministers also pray with people who are in the hospital or who are convalescing.

While there are prayers from the Book of Common Prayer for healing, our healing ministers usually depend on the guiding of the Spirit for their words of healing or gratitude. At the end of what is often a simple, brief prayer the minister will anoint your forehead with consecrated oil, making the sign of the cross.

Members of the congregation who would like to learn more and explore sharing in this ministry are welcome to speak to a member of the Sacramental Healing ministry. They will invite you to join in their study and prayer. The Rector meets with all candidates who have completed a period of study and prayer to discern if this ministry is appropriate for them.


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
146 North Main Street
Fair Haven, Vermont 05743

518 686-0857


Sunday: 9:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist: 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays with prayers for healing on 2nd Sunday


Christ Church
64 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05602

802 223-3631

Worship Schedule

Tuesday’s Holy Eucharist with prayers for Healing, 12:15 p.m.


Grace Congregational UCC
8 Court Street
Rutland, Vermont 05701

802 775-4301

Healing Prayer Services are held on the second Sunday of each month at 11:25 a.m. in the Chapel at Grace Church. We invite you to come and receive healing prayers, to offer prayers for others who need healing and to tell about, and praise God for, the gifts of healing you have received.


Trinity Episcopal Church
85 West Street
Rutland, Vermont 05701

802 775-4368


The Thursday morning Holy Eucharist (10:30 a.m.) is held in the Hopkins Chapel and includes an “Order for Healing.”


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
8 Bishop Street
St. Alban’s, Vermont  05478

802 524-6212

Healing Service

Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Healing Mass, Sanctuary



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